Symposium: “Europe - Towards a Power for Peace?”

When?: 21st and 22nd of September 2020

Where?: To be announced, Siegen, Germany

Europe: Towards a Power for Peace?

75 years after the end of World War II, it is time to remember and reinforce the original demand of the European Union that it be force for peace – especially in light of current threats and global challenges. European unification, understood as a project towards peace, represents a Modernist project, founded on an ideology of progress. Recent years in particular have, however, seen continuing setbacks for the project. Mutual antagonism and continuing contradiction are as prevalent today as they have ever been since the war and the so-called, ‘great power peace’ has become fragmented.

Currently, the European Union is pushing for a deeper integration with regard to security policy, the development of a common army, and investment into the armaments sector. This marks a paradigmatic shift which questions the essence of the European concept of civil(ized) power.
The question of what conditions are necessary to create a European-led peace order which transcends its boundaries is thus pressing. The international symposium “Europe: Towards a Power for Peace?” at the University of Siegen will deal with this challenge. Structured in six panels, scholars from various disciplines will question the driving forces of the European development process with regard to their contribution to the future order.

It is assumed that the absence of military conflicts between the member states of the European Union is not sufficient to meet the objectives associated with a modern concept of a „power for peace“. An expanded conception of peace requires us to examine the economic and technical linkages between Europe and its former colonies as well as the socio-cultural structures of European societies – in addition to militarization processes.

In a methodical deconstruction and reconstruction of the European, the symposium will also examine the peculiarities of the European system, the specific nature of Europeanization and the unique factors which drive relations within the Union and with its neighbors. The aim is to find a starting point for future conceptions of political and economic order.

The conceptual basis for the symposium is the postulate of a specific European developmental history. An analysis of the contradictory external forces to which the continent was exposed as well as those which Europe imposed on other continents should, we suggest, l help us to understand these developments. Analysis of these fundamental interdependencies can be used to describe the emergence and formation of Europe from its beginnings to the present day and the main axes upon which they are formed. Each of the axes reflects individual strands of European development that interact with each other. These axes can be traced back and discussed in order to be able to measure them again with regard to their significance for present and future lines of development.


Need more information?

Kathrin Hoffmann
Institut für Medienforschung
Universität Siegen
57068 Siegen

Dean of the Faculty
Prof. Dr. Volker Wulf
Unteres Schloss 3
57072 Siegen